
Treat yourself this Mother’s Day

Mother's Day

By Lindsay Ruck

While every day should be recognized as an opportune time to honour amazing mothers, one particular day seems to give people a greater desire to say thanks.This year, Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8, 2016. If your children or grandchildren don’t live nearby and you’re unable to spend the day together, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate motherhood with a special perk or two. Consider including these activities into your Mother’s Day itinerary.

Polish and pamper

Book an appointment at your local spa for whatever treatment your heart desires. Consider a manicure and pedicure to polish those hands and feet.Take it one step further and request a paraffin wax treatment. Once hands are coated, the warm wax provides much-needed moisture to dry skin and temporary relief from aches and pains. A soothing massage can be the ultimate relaxer. Massages have been proven to stimulate circulation, release endorphins (which helps reduce stress) and have a positive effect on one’s range of motion. A gentle facial can assist with a number of skin conditions, including dryness, wrinkles and age spots. Even a quick wash and blow dry can rejuvenate and refresh one’s mind, body and soul.

Fresh air awaits

Weather permitting,spend the day in the great outdoors.The na- tion’s capital is full of fantastic hiking trails and picture-perfect parks. Studies show seniors who walk at least four hours a week reduce the risk of hospitalization due to cardio- vascular issues.

If you do opt for a trek through the woods, there are a few tips to keep in mind.To avoid overheating, schedule your walk in the morning or late afternoon. Bring a good-sized bottle of water with you to stay hydrated and always bring a friend along for company and safety.A walking stick or hiking poles will assist with balance.

Just us girls

If you know of other women who may also not be able to spend time with their loved ones this Mother’s Day, then why not spend the day together? Meet for brunch, have a picnic in the park, enjoy a little retail therapy, expand your minds with a trip to your local art gallery or museum,or host a dinner where everyone contributes a favourite dish. Sometimes sharing a few laughs with good friends is exactly what the doctor ordered.

What’s on tap in your city?

Leave the planning up to someone else and at- tend a special event which celebrates mothers. Check out local event listings and see what’s happening for your special day. Several Ottawa restaurants plan Mother’s Day brunches, local museums may have special exhibits planned for the month of May, and theatres may feature special matinee performances. Now that spring has sprung, the nation’s capital is bursting with several outdoor activities that are sure to please and entertain.

Whether you’re surrounded by loved ones, great friends, your significant other, or you’re enjoying some “me” time, give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate you! You deserve it!

Happy Mother’s Day! n