
William James Leach

Thank You for Our Freedom.

They called it “The Great War” or “The War to End All Wars”. Between 1914 and 1918, over 650,000 Canadians risked their lives to serve their country in the First World War. Although there are no longer any living Canadian veterans from WW1, their memories and voices will live on as we continue to remember and honour the sacrifices they made.

William James Leach was one of these proud soldiers. A Veteran of WW1, Army – Canadian Overseas Expeditionary soldier. After war, he continued on to experience life as a father, grandfather, and great grandfather.

“He was the most funny, loving, hardworking, loyal, kind, honest and tough as nails man. I am proud to be a soldier’s daughter.” Remembered by his daughter, Stella Waugh.

Please join us in honouring Mr. Leach, a veteran banner has been erected and is flown in the Carleton Place Legion.

Veteran Leach is sponsored by his daughter and loving family. Please stop by and raise a glass to this deserved Veteran.

A father to one of our own,
Fifty-Five Plus Magazine.