
York West Active Living Centre (YWALC)

York West Active Living Centre (YWALC) is a community based resource centre for persons 55 years of age and older residing in the City of Toronto. YWALC’s mission is to promote, encourage and support healthy, independent living through a wide range of health and wellness programs, educational workshops and multicultural activities.


YWALC is a non-profit charity dedicated to providing over 70 health and wellness, educational, social, intergenerational and multicultural activities. The services we provide improve the overall health and well-being of older adults, promote physical activity, reduce social isolation, and enable older adults to age at home independently.


YWALC offers programming in English, Spanish and Italian.  Some of the programs include: Bellydance, Bone Builders, Yoga, Line Dancing, Watercolour Painting and Zumba, We are pleased to feature our new programs Open Circuit Workout and Drum Fitness. Our social activities include Spanish, English and Italian Classes, Bridge, Bingo, Karaoke, Knit & Stitch to name a handful. Our health clinics include: Diabetes, Foot, Hearing, Massage and Reflexology as well as a Low Vision Support Group. YWALC has something for everyone.                   

We look forward to you joining us to Stay Active, Be Fit and Live Well!

1901 Weston Road – M9N 3P5 / 416.245.4395 / / Follow us: