
Good Habits for Healthy Teeth That You Should Follow

Do you want to keep your teeth healthy with good habits?

Good oral health needs good habits. If you want to keep your mouth clean and healthy, then you need to add some good habits in your daily routine. Good habits include daily brushing, flossing, regular dental checkups, and much more. If you are searching for the best info, then you are in the right place here you will read about the good habits for healthy teeth.

Here are 12 good habits for healthy teeth:


Don’t forget to brush your teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth daily two times a day. Don’t sleep before brushing your teeth. It is good to brush for two minutes. Many people don’t brush their teeth at night. Brush before going to bed can remove plaque and germs.

Brush Your Teeth well

The method of brushing is very important. So, brush your teeth properly with the right technique. Brush your every tooth in the round motion and brush smoothly. If you are brushing your teeth in the wrong way, then it is bad for your teeth.


Flossing is also a good habit you need for your healthy teeth. It can remove the tiny food particles holding between the teeth. Flossing can also eliminate the bacteria under the gumline.

If you don’t floss your teeth, then plaque converts into tartar which is very hard to remove and then you will need a doctor to remove the tartar. You can remove plaque easily. Dentist suggests their patients that smoothly floss their gum line before flossing the sides of the tooth.

Fluoride Toothpaste

Using fluoride toothpaste is also a good habit. It includes fluoride, which helps to stop cavities in kids and adults. Fluoride toothpaste can strengthen weak teeth and opened roots. Brushing daily with a fluoride toothpaste can stop cavities in the early stages. Children can use pea size fluoride toothpaste under the age of 6.

Scrape Your Tongue

Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper add this good habit in your daily routine to keep good oral health. Scraping can remove build up plaque on your tongue and refresh your breath. Bacteria on your tongue can cause bad breath so clean your tongue daily. You can use a toothbrush for scraping your tongue but using a tongue scraper is more beneficial.

Use Fluoride Mouthwash

Using a fluoride mouthwash is best for good oral health. Wash your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash which helps to shield your teeth from cavities. It can also keep your mouth and breath fresh.

Avoid Sugary and Starchy Foods

Don’t eat sugary foods; it can cause cavities in your teeth. Candy and sweet dishes are rich in sugar. Bacteria in your mouth shift sugar into acid, which removes tooth enamel.

Starchy foods like bread, crackers, chips, and pasta, can cause tooth decay. These foods stay in the mouth and convert into simple sugars which produce acid and cause tooth decay.

Add Healthy Foods in Your Diet

Eating healthy foods is great for your overall health. Eating healthy food daily keep your teeth and gums healthy. Add these foods in your diet fruits, vegetables, lean, grains, meat, and dairy.

Brush with Baking Soda

Brushing with baking soda is very effective. It is best to brush your teeth with baking soda once a week. It can whiten your teeth by removing stains from teeth.

So, make your smile perfect white by brushing your teeth with baking soda. Make a paste of baking soda and brush your teeth with it and get excellent results.

Drink Water

Drinking water is very important for good health. Make it your habit to drink a lot of water daily. You need to drink 8 glasses of water daily.

Avoid sugary drinks and soda drinks instead of these, drink a lot of water daily. Because sugary drinks are rich in sugar and acid. Drinking water can remove bacteria and acids from the mouth which cause tooth decay.

Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables daily. Fresh and crunchy fruits and vegetables are rich in healthy fiber. Crunchy fruits can scrub your teeth while chewing so it good for your teeth.

Stop Smoking

Smoking can affect your teeth and overall health. It can make your teeth yellow and also cause bad breath. So stop smoking if you want to keep your teeth healthy. Smoking can cause heart and lungs diseases. It can also result in mouth cancer.


It is necessary to brush your teeth daily two times a day. The method of brushing is very important. Flossing is also a good habit you need for your healthy teeth. So, brush your teeth properly with the right technique. Using fluoride toothpaste is also a good habit. Scraping can remove build up plaque on your tongue and refresh your breath.

Using a fluoride mouthwash is best for good oral health. Don’t eat sugary foods; it can cause cavities in your teeth. Eating healthy foods is great for your overall health. Brushing with baking soda is very effective. Avoid sugary drinks and soda drinks instead of these, drink a lot of water daily.

In the End

Very thanks for your precious time and moving with us hope you enjoy reading the article. Here you read about the good habits for healthy teeth. Must follow these good habits and also share these good habits with your friends and family. Before leaving us kindly share your views so comment below.

Author Bio:

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice.  She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison