Home & Garden

Plants with Style

By Kelly Norris
Timber Press
Why settle for lackluster gardens filled with dull, ho-hum plants? In
this spirited, provocative book, plant guru Kelly Norris calls for a garden
revolution: out with the boring plants and in with the exciting newcomers
that will make your jaw drop and your pulse quicken! A passionate
horticulturist and lifelong gardener, Kelly is the ideal guide to the botanical
riches available to today’s gardeners. In chapters on environment,
structure, seasonal standouts, and plant combinations he shines a spotlight
on the A-list plants in every category — plants that will thrive, not
merely survive. Along the way, he shows you how to forge a personal
style in harmony with your garden’s setting and local environment. As
Kelly puts it, “A garden is the best way to savor life on earth.” Let Plants
with Style guide you to the plants that will provide a richer, more fulfilling
connection between you and your own patch of soil.