
Digital Photo Frames

Get Tech Smart

By Pam Dillon

She’s 93, full of life and living in a small town.  When my friend is not on the go, though, she’s still able to stay current and connected with family members all over the place. That’s thanks to a digital picture frame.

Along with the frequent in-person visits and phone calls, her family members share good times via the compact—not to mention smart and eye-pleasing—gadget that’s on display in this nonagenarian’s living space. A while back, her kids got it for her. Not only is it a hit, it’s truly a gift that keeps on giving.

A digital photo frame will showcase images—such as pics of the grandkids, travel photos, smiling family group shots—anywhere there’s an outlet. Unlike a laptop or tablet, it’s aesthetically pleasing too and can be put on display just like a traditional frame. But that’s where the similarity ends. This smart tech offers numerous benefits and options.

For one thing, pictures on the frame change continuously, allowing you to experience fresh pleasure and remember a different happy occasion every time you glance at it. In fact one frame can hold hundreds of photos. What’s more, the speed of the photo transitions, the order of their appearance and how they appear can all be controlled.

No wonder these electronic frames are popular. There are many brands and price points, so you can shop around for the best “pick” to fit your priorities. Whether you want one of your own so that the hundreds (okay, thousands) of pics stored on your phone will finally be seen or you plan to gift one to a significant other, you’ll want to weigh the different specs and features.

Display size, screen resolution, aspect ratio, orientation and video capability are things to consider. So are factors such as ease-of-use, Wi-Fi (highly recommended), storage capacity, smart home compatibility and built-in speakers. Not all the bells and whistles are necessary.

Others are priceless. One really nice feature enables you to invite your nearest and dearest to add photos to your frame. This allows you to share in special moments and adventures whether you’re there in person or not. There are practical benefits too. If you’re worried about a family elder who is living elsewhere and growing frail, perhaps forgetful, a digital photo frame can serve as a connection point as well a prompt to share memories, recall people’s names and keep the conversation going. If you gift your loved one the frame, depending on the device you choose, it’s possible to manage it remotely so that, for the recipient, it’s worry-free and all pleasure.