
Wondering about AI?

Here’s what AI has to say about it

What is AI, how does it work and how can AI be used by people in the 55+ age group?

ChatGPT spit out a response in about five seconds after the above questions were posed at
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.… AI works by processing vast amounts of data and recognizing patterns within that data to make decisions or perform tasks. AI can be beneficial for individuals in the 55+ age group in various ways:

  1. Healthcare: AI-powered devices can help in monitoring vital signs, providing reminders for medications or even detecting early signs of medical conditions.
  2. Safety and Security: AI can enhance home safety with smart home devices like cameras, doorbell cameras and sensors that provide notifications in case of unusual activities.
  3. Social Interaction: AI-powered virtual assistants can provide companionship, reminders for appointments, and help in staying connected with loved ones.
  4. Personalized Services: AI algorithms can customize experiences based on individual preferences, such as recommending entertainment options, news or online shopping products.
  5. Cognitive Assistance: AI tools like voice assistants can help with everyday tasks like setting reminders, managing calendars, or searching for information online.
    By leveraging AI tools and technologies, individuals in the 55+ age group can enjoy improved quality of life, increased independence, and enhanced convenience in various aspects of their daily routines.”

Google’s new AI tool, Gemini, was asked a different question, at


What are the risks and dangers of AI?


“Here are some of the concerns surrounding AI:

  • Job displacement: As AI gets better at tasks currently done by humans, it could lead to widespread unemployment. This could have a big impact on people of all ages, but could be especially difficult for older workers who might have trouble retraining for new jobs.
  • Bias: AI systems are only as good as the data they’re trained on. If that data is biased, the AI system will also be biased. This could lead to unfair decisions in areas like loan approvals or criminal justice.
  • Privacy: AI systems rely on a lot of data, and that data often includes personal information. There’s a risk that this data could be misused or abused.
  • Safety: If AI systems are used in safety-critical applications, like self-driving cars or medical devices, there’s a risk that they could make mistakes that could have serious consequences.
  • Control: As AI systems become more complex, it could become difficult to understand how they make decisions. This could raise concerns about who is ultimately in control of these systems.
  • Superintelligence: Some experts worry that AI could eventually become so intelligent that it surpasses human intelligence. This hypothetical superintelligence could then pose an existential threat to humanity.”


What are the best AI chatbots for seniors?

This is ChatGPT’s response, minus the computer-generated niceties:

  1. “ElliQ: ElliQ is an AI companion designed specifically for older adults. It provides companionship, reminders for medications, social interactions, and entertainment through voice interaction and a robotic interface.
  2. SilverChat: SilverChat is a chatbot that offers mental health support and companionship for seniors. It provides a safe space for them to share their feelings and concerns.
  3. CarePredict: CarePredict uses AI to monitor seniors’ daily activities and routines. It alerts caregivers about any unusual behavior or deviations from the norm, helping seniors maintain their independence while ensuring their safety.
  4. Woebot: Woebot is an AI chatbot that provides cognitive behavioral therapy and emotional support. It can help seniors manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.
  5. Ask Marvee: Ask Marvee is a voice-activated virtual assistant designed for seniors. It helps them stay connected with family and friends, manage daily tasks, and access information using simple voice commands.”