Welcome to my first column. It is my hope over the coming issues to provide you with valuable insights about the Ottawa real estate market with specific focus on our generational needs. This will include discussions with prominent individuals in Ottawa who will provide expertise about issues we experience together. Commencing in the next issue will be a discussion with Jackie Holzman, former distinguished mayor of Ottawa and honorary director of Compassionate Ottawa.
For years people have asked me why I do what I do, regardless of where I have been or what I have been doing, and my “why” has always been the same. I like helping people create wonderful experiences with their families and friends, and assisting them to foster a lifetime of cherished memories. Some of my notable roles have included serving on Kanata City Council, fighting for our Ottawa Senators and lending a hand to many local charities including the Ottawa Food Bank and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. These community efforts led to me being recognized as Kanata Chamber of Commerce Businessperson of the Year. Since then, I have been blessed to assist individuals across the continent in changing their lives in one of the most significant ways anyone can: through homeownership and public service.
Now I am thrilled to be doing my first column for you, with more to come. I hope you will find upcoming “discussions with The ONE” engaging, passionate, informative and, from time to time, lighthearted. Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to email me at richard.rutkowski@evrealestate.com or call 613- 250-8885. Look for my channel on YouTube to find these upcoming interviews as well.
Have an amazing day