
Celebrate Maple Season with Adult Treats

maple season

It’s maple season! Although the snow is almost gone and April is straight ahead, the sugar bush is still hopping these days.
Have you had your fill of maple syrup yet? You certainly don’t have to limit yourself to pancakes as a way to enjoy this quintessentially Canadian treat. Here are a couple of delectable maple recipes to enjoy.

maple season

Maple Baked Beans


500 g  (1 lb)  dry white pea beans (about 2 cups or 500 mL)

250 ml (1 cup)  Ontario Maple Syrup

125 ml (1/2 cup)  chili sauce

1  small Ontario onion, chopped

10 m l (2 tsp)  salt

5 ml (1 tsp)  dry mustard

3 slices  bacon, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces

500 ml (2 cups)  boiling water


Place beans in large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Simmer for two minutes.

Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for one hour. Drain.

In a small bowl, combine maple syrup, chili sauce, chopped onion, salt and mustard. Place half the beans in 2-quart (2 L) casserole, top with diced bacon, then remaining beans.

Cover and bake at 300 F (150 C) for six to seven hours, adding more water as needed to keep beans moist.

*Skip the bacon and make this recipe vegetarian-friendly.

Courtesy of Foodland Ontario.

maple season


The Canadian, Eh?

This hot drink, sweetened with maple syrup, is for grownups only. And it’s delicious.

60 ml (2 oz) dark rum
30 ml (1 oz) maple syrup
15 ml (1 tbsp) brown sugar
5 ml (1 tsp) butter
1 pinch allspice
60 ml (2 oz) water

Heat butter, allspice, brown sugar and maple syrup in the water until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat, stir in rum and pour into a mug. Serve for an everning treat or on the porch in the afternoon — and enjoy!

Courtesy of