Tag - cats

Indoors or not?

Animal chatter  BY IRIS WINSTON Can a cat have a happy life if he never roams the great outdoors? Cats instinctively love exploring, hunting and staking out their territory. Wild, feral and some male farm cats can cover 150 acres or more, for example. Even the more modest 15 acres that make up the average female farm cat’s...

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Cattitude Differs

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston Rufus and Freya have distinct personalities and ways of communicating. Rufus regularly tells me how grateful he is to have a loving home. I am not sure how long he had to survive without one, when my cat, Freya, started bringing her new — then thin — ginger friend to my door. Did she tell him that...

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Rufus Introducing a new pet to the household

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston I first noticed him in February when he and my cat started hanging out together. I didn’t know then that the little red-and-white tabby was homeless, though it was clear that he was scared of human contact. However slowly I approached him, he ran away, a flash of red fur as he disappeared into the...

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