Tag - Iris Winston

Giving Back

Now and Then  by Iris Winston Giving back comes in many forms. It can be as simple as responding to a ring at the door and hearing a tiny smiling child in uniform asking if you would like to buy Girl Guide cookies. I don’t care for the cookies but never have the heart to refuse. It is much easier to turn down an unsolicited...

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Goodbye to Freya

Animal Chatter  by Iris Winston I know that Freya, my 20-year-old Norwegian forest cat, is near the end of her life. She has oral cancer and the malignant tumor is invading her jaw bone and growing to the point that she is not able to close her mouth completely. Certainly, this means that her quality of life has declined, but...

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From Away to a New Land

This is the first installment of a new essay series by Iris Winston. A condensed version is included in the print version of Fifty-Five Plus. By Iris Winston I was from away. Was I ever! The students that I was about to meet had grown used to newcomers from other parts of Canada, generally teachers who stayed for a term or two...

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Respect; You get what you give

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston As soon as Marnie, my Irish Setter, and I returned home after finishing a few errands, she raised her head and sniffed the air. Then she ran around, barking as she checked every room, looking for the stranger that she sensed/scented had been there while we were out. I knew from her reaction that...

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