
Improved vision after cataract surgery possible thanks to innovations in lenses

Cataract surgeries have been performed for centuries, significant and rapid innovation in surgery advancements has occurred in the past 20 years with Alcon, the global leader in eye care, at the helm.

Modern cataract surgery uses state-of-the-art technology at every step – from diagnostic scans and diagnosis, surgical instruments for delicate incisions, to novel intraocular lens (IOL) materials – all to provide people with excellent outcomes.

“Every year there’s something new and exciting in cataract surgery innovation,” says ophthalmologist and Alcon Consultant Dr. Rosa Braga-Mele. “Over the years, we’ve seen incredible improvements in the actual material of IOLs for clarity, including extended vision lens focus IOL technology that offers a great range of vision. We also have newer technology for cataract diagnosis and for how the surgery is performed.”

More lens options to provide patients with exceptional clarity

Traditionally during cataract surgery, a monofocal lens is selected for patients. This allows them to see clearly at one – typically far – distance, but they generally need glasses to see clearly at all distances. Recent innovations in the design and material of IOLs provide patients with exceptional clarity.

Extending vision for patients

In recent years, new categories of multifocal intraocular lenses have been introduced that allow a surgeon to correct presbyopia, the need for reading glasses with age, as well as cataracts. These revolutionary lenses allow patients to see clearly at multiple distances with less dependence on glasses.

“Most people don’t realize how much of our everyday activity is done both at distance and at an arm’s length,” says Dr. Braga-Mele. “So, if you choose a monofocal lens for distance so you can drive without glasses, the dashboard area in your intermediate vision will be blurry with that IOL implant choice.

Extended vision lenses can provide an extended range of vision for distant and intermediate tasks, like driving or reading a smartphone, and offer functional near vision for tasks, like reading a menu or putting on makeup, with less reliance on glasses and minimal visual compromise.

For those who want to minimize the need for glasses after surgery, that’s also a possibility. Trifocal lenses can provide clear vision at all distances. It is designed to allow patients to perform daily activities such as reading a book, working at a computer, or ordering from a menu without the need for glasses.

To learn more about lens options, visit SeeTheFullPicture.ca or speak to your eye doctor.