
Tips to stay healthy as you age

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the latter half for your life is essential for you. You can live a fulfilling life and socially active life even over the age of 55 by focusing on simple habits of regular physical activity, wholesome diet, and an immediate social circle. The reason why we reiterate the importance of remaining socially connected is the fact that your social life has a direct impact on your mental and physical health. People that interact with others are typically healthier than isolated individuals. Social interactions not only reduce stress but also boost positive feelings and energy. Hence, the people over the age of 45 that remain socially active and emotionally healthy tend to stay away from the grasp of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Studies reveal that severe mood swings and persistent, involuntary changes in mood are two of the earliest signs of dementia that can be detected with the help of close friends and immediate family members.

Going out for meals at a cozy eatery with your friends or close family members is an easy way of maintaining a healthy social life. Small communities for senior that motivate them to exercise and practice mindfulness is another excellent way of developing a bond of camaraderie among one’s age mates.

To age healthily and happily you must follow the tips we are sharing below. We hope that this article will help you find a direction in your journey of aging.

An active routine of regular exercise and other physical activities

A lot of weight gain in later years caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Multiple studies have proven that sitting for long periods can not only harm your waistline but could also lead to problems with the heart, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Hence, lower blood pressure and a healthy weight can be achieved by regular exercise. It reduces the risk of heart disease, and ultimately cardiac failure.
A regular pattern of exercise will lower fatigue and cure shortness of breath both of which help you lead a seemingly normal life. One you used to have or wanted to enjoy in your earlier years. Changes in your lipid profile, insulin sensitivity and the chance possibility of arrhythmias could eventually lead to severe cognitive degeneration like dementia. For those who do not know what precisely dementia is, its a monstrosity of a disease that gradually takes hold of a patient and leaves behind a husk of their original personality. It has multiple causes such as a severe lack of exercise, dehydration for a prolonged period and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Take a dementia test now!

Work on your balance

The struggle for balance is a complex issue in older adults. Trying balance exercises to improve coordination is ideal for people in their early fifties. Seniors with a severe backache and problems with the spinal cord must try exercise focused around the region. Strength training will help the muscles in your core which will reduce the risk of sarcopenia and osteoporosis and also improve with your posture. Swimming is an excellent exercise for flexibility and posture in seniors. It pushes the heart rate up and helps the patients of arthritis. Swimming is a fantastic mood booster too as it helps regulates the happiness hormones in the body.
Watch your diet

Watch your diet

If you are a senior fighting the battle of being over-weight, you must understand that regular exercise is not everything. Training is a significant catalyst in the process but you need to watch what you eat has a more substantial impact on your overall health. From your levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight. Eating clean foods without any processing and preservatives is the first step to watch your diet. You can include a multitude of fruits and vegetables along with whole grains to have a balanced diet. Try to avoid foods with high sugar content because it has the potential to lead to the dreaded disease of dementia. The added sugars cause plaque in the nervous pathways which block cognitive functioning such as speech, memory, logic, and calculation. The loss of cognition leads to behavioral changes and mood swings as well. Hence a balanced diet full of citrus and other fruits, leafy vegetables, and nuts is more beneficial for you than you could have thought.

Reducing meal size and calorie count will help you lose and maintain your weight at a later age. Consuming spinach, soups and other wholesome foods will help you battle cravings for sugar. Try grocery shopping with friends to develop a habit of cooking meals at home. The more you cook at home, the less likely are you to crave the processed packages of fat and disease.

Beware of dropping metabolism

Slowing metabolism is a common rite of passage for your body. The changes in hormones and loss of muscle mass can lead to weight gain. The medical issues common to age-related weight gain can also add to the hindrances in your journey of weight loss. The use of medication for depression and corticosteroids are also a challenge that cannot be ignored. You can switch out a few exercises in your daily routine to help boost your slowing metabolism. Running speeds, incline on the treadmill and walking are a few exercises that help you deal with a slowing metabolism. You can also consider NAD IV therapy treatment, which can be a valuable tool in helping you boost your metabolism. These treatments help also clear brain fog, improve memory and concentration, and offer multiple anti-aging benefits

Your sleep matters

Many seniors suffer from insomnia and sleep apnea. It is not a discovery that lack of proper sleep leads to a hormonal deficiency which affects not just your mental health but also induces fatigue, weight gain, and heart disease. Rest is a primary need for succeeding in a healthy life. Meditation and music are your best friends when it comes to improving your sleep!

Author Bio:

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison