How to Care for Aging Parents, 3rd Edition: A One-Stop Resource for All Your Medical, Financial, Housing, and Emotional Issues
By Virginia Morris
Spry Publishing
This has been called a compassionate guide. It is a clear and comforting source of advice and support for the ever-growing number of North Americans who care for an elderly parent, relative, or friend. Now, in its third-edition, it is completely overhauled and updated, chapter-by-chapter and page-by-page, with the most recent medical findings and recommendations. It includes a whole new chapter on fraud; details on the latest “aging in place” technologies; more helpful online resources; and everything you need to know about current laws and regulations. Also new are fill-in worksheets for gathering specifics on medications; caregivers’ names, schedules, and contact info; doctors’ phone numbers and addresses; and other essential information in one handy place at the back of the book. From having that first difficult conversation to arranging a funeral and dealing with grief and all of the other important issues in-between, this can be a handy guide.