Worth a Read

What is Love

By Pauli Rose Libsohn | Page Publishing, Inc.

In What is Love, Pauli Rose Libsohn chronicles her parents’ 60-year love affair, the secret writings that made that love so strong, and the promise to tell the world. The story behind this book had its beginning in the 1930s at a beach. That’s when a 12-year-old girl named Mitzi fell in love at first sight with David, the handsome lifeguard. This true-life narrative details a subsequent bond and love affair that succeeds, despite incredible odds. Mitzi and David’s commitment to each other prevails through the perseverance of a love so strong that it overcomes all obstacles.

As the daughter of Mitzi and David, author Pauli Rose Libsohn has written a fascinating biography about a fairytale that did come true. Pauli Rose has also published three other books, Immortal Kisses — Confessions of a Poet, Songs of You: A Postscript and Silhouettes: Literary Passageways, based on the poetry and writings of her mother Mitzi.