Stay Supported

At COVID-19 Support Services, provided by the Champlain Community Support Network, you’ll find a variety of supports for people in Eastern Ontario, including Ottawa and Renfrew County.  Services available include grocery and pharmacy delivery, Meals on Wheels, telephone safety checks and transportation to essential medical appointments.

A Friendly Voice, 613 692-9992 or 1 855 892-9992, is a telephone line for seniors who may be feeling lonely or isolated.

Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region connects you to mental health support and resources, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Distress: 613 238-3311 Crisis: 613 722-6914 or 1 866 996-0991

LGBT Wellbeing Check-in Program provides a telephone assurance program for older adults. To access the program, contact The Good Companions at 613 236-0428 or

Ontario Caregiver Helpline provides caregivers with information and support. 1 833 416-2273 (CARE)