Tag - Valley Heritage Radio

The Little Things

We live in a time of information overload. And honestly, it scares me. Navigating through today’s society is challenging enough without an online world where fact and opinion are muddled together. There is no clear line separating the two—and that’s beyond dangerous. Social media is littered with uninvited opinions, judgments...

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Being a Dad

The Little Things By Jason Marshall It’s just another day. At least it has been for the past 35 years. The last time I bought a Father’s Day card, Ronald Reagan was in the White House and Crocodile Dundee was showing the world what a real knife should look like. My dad passed away the summer I turned 17 and since then I’ve had...

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No love like a mother’s love

The Little Things By Jason Marshall I write a few words. Delete them. Write a few more. Erase those too. My writer’s eye is on Mother’s Day, but I can’t focus. I want to eloquently tell the world the impact my mom has had on my life, but the words won’t come. My brain is abuzz, but with rapid-fire squirrel moments. A blank...

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The world is continually evolving.

If it wasn’t, I’d be sharing my thoughts with you through drawings on a cave wall. The pictures would show you my fascination for how technology has transformed the way we behave and function. Our quality of life has been enhanced on so many levels that it’s mind boggling. Healthcare innovations. The way the world communicates...

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Two Words: SNOWDAY Childhood memories bring joy to winter.

The Little Things By Jason Marshall Boys play hockey on a frozen lake on a winter sunny daySome things in life defy explanation. The worst of these mysteries are also stressors. Look at winter. On the calendar it’s three months long. Same as spring. Fall. And summer. So why is there a dreadful feeling it will never end? The...

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Keeping the Season Magical

‘Tis the season. And if you’re a kid, ‘tis the season of receiving.’ Little Jason had a laser focus on presents from the moment the Sears Christmas Wish Book crossed the threshold of the Marshall house. Page corners were bent. Toys circled in Magic Marker. And the catalogue could be found strategically placed on the kitchen...

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A 1970s Summer

The Little Things By Jason Marshall It’s funny how a person’s definition of “old” changes with time. When you’re 10, high school kids are old. And your teacher is ancient, even though she’s in her late 20s. In fact, there’s no real discernible difference between anyone from 30 to 100. To a kid, they’re all fossils. Then one day...

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Don’t forget your dad this Father’s Day

The Little Things By Jason Marshall I’m a big believer that all things happen for a reason. I truly am. No matter how unfair or painful something seems, my view is that it was meant to be. I may not fully comprehend why it happened, but it’s all part of the universe’s master plan. Maybe it’s an age thing. The older I get...

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Celebrating Mom

The Little Things By Jason Marshall On my fridge door there’s a photo of my mom on her wedding day and I walk by it every day. I usually take a passing glance. A quick look. But looking and seeing are not the same. Today I stood and stared at that picture and here’s what I saw: A wide-eyed optimistic girl. Her smile full of joy...

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