
No love like a mother’s love

The Little Things

By Jason Marshall

I write a few words. Delete them. Write a few more. Erase those too.

My writer’s eye is on Mother’s Day, but I can’t focus.

I want to eloquently tell the world the impact my mom has had on my life, but the words won’t come. My brain is abuzz, but with rapid-fire squirrel moments.

A blank screen is haunting to a writer. The fear is amplified by a looming deadline.

So, I’m stepping away to go and visit my mom. A quick chat with her is just what I need.

I’ll be right back.

(BRIEF MUSICAL INTERLUDE featuring Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton to capture just the right number of smiles and teary eyes.)

My mom said goodbye to this world 15 years ago, but she’s never left my heart or soul. Today I spent a half hour visiting her final resting place. And as always, she gave me clarity.

Almost instantly the knot in my writing brain came undone. The fog lifted.

If I were a cartoon character, a light bulb would’ve appeared above my head.

Totally random memories whirled around.

I saw my mom dancing The Twist to the sounds of Chubby Checker coming from her old hi-fi.

We were playing cribbage and Crazy Eights. And Trivial Pursuit. And that old dice game Kismet.

I could smell her homemade donuts cooking on the stove. And bread in the oven. I even saw a pan of Social Tea squares on her counter.

She was smiling ear-to-ear as her family sat at the table for Christmas dinner.

I saw her family bible, where she wrote down all our milestones on the blank pages at the back.

She then gave five-year-old me a much-needed back scratch with her long nails, before closing our bedtime storybook and tucking me in with a goodnight hug and kiss.

There was the family photo album. And scrapbook. And the box of Christmas cards she’d received through the years from friends and family. She kept them all.

I suddenly remembered opening my lunch bag at school and finding a Laura Secord butterscotch pudding cup. My favourite.

These words popped into my mind: no one on this Earth will ever love you the way your mom loves you and you won’t love anyone the way you love your mom.

Then my brain went in a totally different direction.

Mom added some present-day photos to the slideshow of memories.

I saw my partner Bailey and our two young sons, Gabriel and Asher.

It was so vivid. Bailey was singing Do-Rei-Mi with Gabe and looking into Asher’s eyes with more love than I’ve ever seen. She slid down the playground slide with Gabe, both laughing the entire time. And she rocked Ash to sleep, softly humming a lullaby that only he could hear.

Mom took me full circle. From seeing a mother through the eyes of a child, to seeing the mother of my children through the eyes of her partner.

It was a beautiful moment of realization that I have another mother to celebrate. And appreciate. One who is building a family on a foundation of love. And rocking it, by the way.

We only have one mom, but mothers are all around us. Doing what moms do. Teaching. Learning. Loving. Giving their all and doing their best. Being the glue.

Motherhood is an unscripted journey where you can’t look too far down the road because you’re living in the moment. Along the way, moms create little memories that last a lifetime. And beyond.

There truly is no love like a mother’s love.

If you’re a mom, know you’re doing a great job. And if you still have your mom, don’t wait until Mother’s Day to call or visit. Life’s too short. And guys: tell your partner she’s an amazing mom.

If your mom is only with you in spirit, you should also reach out and have a conversation. She’s a great listener, who will still offer guidance from beyond.

Today my mom helped me find answers I was looking for and reminded me of my very own philosophy on life: always take time to appreciate the little things, because they make all the difference.

Jason Marshall has been a writer and journalist for more than 30 years and is an on-air host and station manager at Valley Heritage Radio just outside of Renfrew, Ontario. And he’s truly a big kid at heart. You can email him anytime at