Tag - Janet Armstrong

Stylish Kitchens can be Safe and Accessible

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS Kitchens are one of the top renovation projects, especially if you are considering age-proofing your home. Rest assured there have been some exciting developments in kitchen components, such as appliances, cabinets and hardware, that can result in a stylish...

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Lighting Shorter Days

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS As we move into fall and the beauty that it offers, we slowly transition into shorter days and longer evenings. This transformation requires the increased use of lighting to ensure we can move through our homes safely. While we may think primarily of indoor...

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Stylish, Functional Bathrooms That Put Safety First

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS As we continue to live in the homes we view as our safe havens and comfortable refuges, subtle and sometimes not so subtle health changes take place that can challenge our everyday habits and patterns of living. Being proactive and planning ahead provide an...

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Decor, Design and the Aging Eye

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS Over the past several months, various paint companies have announced their colour of the year (COTY) for 2024. They’ve included a supporting cast of colours that complement the COTY so you can develop a palette that will work regardless of your style and the space...

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Home Updates to Support Living in Place

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS When we consider home, we think of comfort, safety and familiarity and as we age these considerations are even more important. As priorities, they are also key to why many of us want to “live in place” for as long as possible.          ...

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Ideas for Ensuring Safe Access to Your Home

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS When we talk about safe, healthy living in our homes as we strive to live in place as long as possible, we tend to discuss interior spaces, such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms and stairwells. The part we don’t often read about or discuss is safe access into...

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All is Calm with these Easy Decor Ideas

Lifescape By Janet Armstrong, Accredited Interior Designer, CAPS The holiday season is fast approaching and with it the bustle, excitement and increased pace. It’s the time of year when the To Do list seems to exceed the energy (and patience!) we have available. Among the many things on that list, decorating is a high priority...

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