Tag - June 2023

Retirement Possibilities on São Miguel in the Azores

Imagine spending your retirement years somewhere spectacular? How about the Azores?   Multinational hospitality and property developer ECI Developments has introduced an inviting lifestyle opportunity at an historic locale in Portugal. First constructed in 1687, the restored manor house now called Solar de Lalém is located on 1...

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Recognise It! Help Stop Elder Abuse

by Peggy Edwards, Council on Aging of Ottawa Elder Abuse is defined by the World Health Organization as “a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.” Elder abuse is recognized internationally as...

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The Lamp

A Father’s Day Gift Remembered By Iris Winston A small reading lamp was probably the most important gift I ever gave my father. Inexpensive as it was, it showed him I had listened when he said he must be getting old because he could no longer read easily in bed. I will always be glad I gave it to him at the supper table the day...

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Helen Humphreys and the Wisdom of Writing with your Dog at your Side

By Iris Winston Dogs and writing have been at the heart of the life of acclaimed Canadian author Helen Humphreys for as long as she can remember. She recalls that, as a small child, she treated her family’s 150-pound St. Bernard, Lisa, as a third parent. Instead of waking either human parent early, she would “go downstairs to...

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Grilled Stuffed Tomatoes

This recipe and image, courtesy of Foodland Ontario, make it a pleasure to add more vegetables to your day. Sure they’re nutritious, but they’re also so tasty and eye-catching, you might even serve yourself seconds. These grilled stuffed tomatoes are versatile and packed with flavour. Preparation Time: 30 minutes Grilling...

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Get Tech-Smart

By Pam Dillon Remember watching the TV show Get Smart? Bumbling Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 for the counter-espionage organization CONTROL, was always trying to talk on his top-secret shoe phone. Only problem? It rang at the most inopportune times, like when he was in the hushed audience for a symphony concert. Back in the 1960s...

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